The Basics

The Basics

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is based on the idea that your body can heal and regulate itself. This process is controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and all the body's nerves. Chiropractic focuses on identifying problems in the spine, fixing them to help the nervous system work better, and promoting natural health.

What Do Chiropractic Doctors Do?

Chiropractic doctors help improve how your body moves and how well your nervous system works. They start by asking about your health history and specific issues. Then, they perform a thorough examination, which may include x-rays. Based on the results, they explain their findings and suggest a plan for chiropractic adjustments and follow-up checks.

What is an Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment involves applying a specific force to a joint that is stuck or not moving properly. This can be done using hands or a special instrument. Some adjustments are quick, while others use slow, steady pressure. The goal of these adjustments is to improve how your spine moves, help your nervous system function better, and enhance your overall health.

Medical Research on Spine and Nerve-Related Proble


"It appears that chiropractors have been right all along. A team of doctors at Syracuse University have established with scientific, anatomical proof, that damaged structures in the neck (subluxations) are the cause of many chronic headaches."

Dec 28,1995 Life Toronto Star; Life section

Peter Rothbart MD


Patients with peripheral circulatory hypotension and a tendency for asthenia and postural disorders are grouped under the category of vasomotor headaches. Based on our experience I would say that over half of these patients can be helped instantly and lastingly with the means of manual therapy ( spinal adjustments).

"Manual Therapy In Internal Medicine." E.G. Metz @ Bezirkskankenhaus Posdnam (Formerly East) Germany 1976.

Headache, Ear Buzzing, Extreme Fatigue, Sleep Disorders

"In 1970, Vitek showed these symptoms were linked to the upper cervical spine and not vascular disease. Manual therapy (spinal adjustments) proved successful in 77% of the cases."

"Manual Therapy In Modern Medicine." E.G. Metz @ Beirkskrankenhaus Postdam (formerly East) Germany, 1976.

Headaches From Whiplash

"Headaches can occur as a delayed symptom after whiplash trauma in the cervical spine. These symptoms may persist for years, cause headaches, and lead to depression."

M. Berger MD, F. Gerstanbrand MD, 1981 (Studies on Pain) (Headaches) p.264 Eds. Berger, M., Gerstanbrand, F., and K. Lewitt, MD DSc Stufgart and New York Gustov Fisher. "Headaches As A delayed Symptom After Whiplash Trauma In The Cervical Spine, New-orthopedic Aspects."


"Vertigo (dizziness) can come from dysfunction of the spinal column. He reports the success of manual therapy (spinal adjustment) in treating vertigo."

Manual Medicine 16,95 F. Becker, MD.1978 "A Discussion of Dizziness Symptons With A Focus on Manual Therapy Viewpoint"

Dizziness and Equilibrium/Disorders

"Manual therapy (spinal adjustments) is often capable of relieving the dizziness and equilibrium disorders associated with Meniere’s Syndrome."

"Manual Therapy in Internal Medicine." E. G. Metz@ Bezirkskankenhaus Postdam (Formerly East) Germany, 1976.

Eye Jerking Nystagmus

Nystagmus (involuntary jerking movement of the eye) is caused by a condition in the cervical spine involving it’s bones, joints and or its muscles, affecting the neural information from the proprioceptors (nerve receptors) in the cervical spine.

Collard M. Couraux, C. and Thiebault, M.D. (1976) Neurological Review 117, 677. "Nystagmus Caused by Conditions of The Cervical Spine."

Meniere’s Disease & Cervical Syndromes

"In cervical syndromes, typical pain in the neck and shoulders are present, and combined with occipital headaches and paresthesias (numbers, tingling) (Abnormal ) radiological changes mainly occur at C4-7. In 80% recruitment is present, tinnitis occurs in 30-60% of the patients."

H. Decker MD, (1976) Archives of Oto-Rhine Laryngology 212, 369 "Meniere’s Disease and Cervical Syndromes"

Organ Symptoms

"Records of numerous cases including myocardial ischemia showed lesions of the spinal column are perfectly capable of stimulating accentuating,or making a major contribution to (organic) disorders. There can, in fact, be no doubt that the state of the spinal column does have a bearing on the functional status of the internal organs"

W. Kunert MD (1965) Functional Disorders of Internal Organs Due to Vertebral Lesions, CIBA Symposium 13 (3):85-96

Thoracic Misalignments


“Scoliosis of even slight degree involving segments corresponding to the stomach and duodenum (i.e. T6-9 seem to play a part in 90% of patients with peptic ulcers).”

Pathogenic Importance of the Thoracic Portion of the Vertebral Column,H.Kamieth ARCH. ORTHOP. U Unfall-Chir 49: 585-606 (No. 6) 1958 (in Germany) Munich, Germany from Medical Literature Abstracts JAMA Nov 15,1958.

Ulcers-Duodenal and Gastric

"In 79 adolescents suffering from duodenal and or gastric ulcers, Lewitt and Rychikova (1975-1976) found a characteristic pattern of blockage of the thoracic segments between T4 and T7 with a clear maxium occurance at T5 and T6."

Lewitt MD, DSc. "Manipulative Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System" (1985) Butterfield and Company London and Boston. p.261


"Studies demonstrated improved remissions of pathology in patients with duodenal ulcers. Manipulation to remove spinal dysfunction not only relieves pain, but has a healing effect significantly better than standard drug therapy. The most frequently affected segments were T-9 through T-12."

A. A. Pikalov, MD Phd. Vyatcheslav, V.K. (1994) "Use of Spinal Manipulative Therpy in the Treatment of Duodenal Ulcer: A Pilot Study," J. Manipul Physiol Ther 17(5):310-313

Adbominal Pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Heartburn

In a Scandinavian study gastroenterologists found 72% of the patients with abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and heartburn had subluxations of the spine in the area that supply nerves to the abdomen. They postulated a reflex over the nerves which pass through the spine to affect organs.

Jorgensen, L. S. and Fossgreen, J. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 1990, Dec.:25 (12):1235-1241.

Lumbar Misalignments

Low Back Pain in Adults and Children

"Spinal manipulative therapy has been shown to be effective for the treatment of low back pain in adults. Imperically the results have been at least equally good with children. It is the experience of many chiropractors that children respond more readily and favorably than adults." Caffey, J. (1972) "On the Theory and Practice of Shaking Infants," American Journal of Diseased Child, 124:161-169.

Low Back Pain

"There’s been an escalation of clinical and basic science research on manipulative therapy, which has shown there is a scientific basis for treatment of back pain by manipulation. The physician who makes use of this resource will provide relief for many patients."

Canadian Family Physician 1985:31:535-540.

"The treatment that chiropractors offered for low back pain was more effective than that provided by the medical clinics." British Medical Journal, June 2,1990, pp. 1431-1437

Chiropractic vs. Medicine

*"On the evidence, particularly the most scientific valid clinical studies, spinal manipulation applied by chiropractors is shown to be more effective than alternative treatments for low back pain."

*"Many medical therapies are of questionable validity or are clearly inadequate."

*"Chiropractic manipulation is safer and more cost effective than medical management of low back pain." Pran Manga, Phd. "The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low Back Pain," The Ontario Ministry of Health.

Menstruation Pain/Sterility

"Menstruation pain with otherwise normal gynecological findings especially when localized in the low back, is usually of vertebrogenic orgin and often the first clinical manifestation of disturbance in the lumbosacral region. Over 75% of women had excellent response to manipulation, labor pains can be a similar pointer. Female sterility of cryptogenic orgin (i.e., with negative organic findings) may be attributable to pelvic dysfunction in particular of the coccyx, and adequate treatment (by manipulation) gives favorable results."

Lewitt MD, DSc "Manipulative Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System" (1985) Butterworth and Company, London and Boston, p. 263


Hill Chiropratic
556 Walmart Drive
Sullivan, MO  63080

Phone:  (573) 860-4455

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